Construction Debris Demolition Materials Landfill


We’ll Haul Away Your Construction Debris

Clear waste and debris from your construction site with help from L R Chapman Inc. because:
  1. We have a state approved Beneficial Reuse Site.
  2. We collect your construction debris material at a per-ton fee
  3. We can collect your debris for you and responsibly dispose of it
Don’t let debris pile up on your construction property. Call L R Chapman Inc. to schedule a pickup, or bring your debris to our landfill to dispose of it yourself. Call 270-295-3370 today to learn more.


It’s important to be as clean and eco-friendly as possible when disposing industrial waste. Luckily, L R Chapman Inc. makes it simple for you to dispose your materials in our construction, demolition debris site. You can bring your demolition materials to our site for a per-ton fee, or let us haul away your mess and dispose of it responsibly.

Call L R Chapman Inc. at 270-295-3370 today to learn more.
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